What's the Dealio?
Jun 9, 2020

2.24: Re-run: ASIJ and Race

In light of current events, we’ll be replaying this episode. Check out the second part of this joint feature with Hanabi: an article by Kokoro Igawa.

Link to Volume 23 of the Roundup: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19PsHHDEJg5XpoIQGo--uIzdXW6q20swnHhDDuidJDmQ/edit?usp=sharing

Link to Panel Discussion: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jb_lpSu1o31V7Vou3OqiW7iyRmXIU0a4/view

Bella Salathé (grade 12), Erin Dowrich (grade 12), Ms. Gessert (former faculty), and Ms. Iagaru (former faculty) and the WTD hosts engage in a discussion about race and the ASIJ community, and show how we can engage in conversations about this sensitive topic.

Originally recorded in May 2019.


Audio Editing: Solomon (12)

Openings and Closing Music: Salue by Kai Engel (CC-BY)